
Saturday 30 May 2009

Drone - This Night / Anything For Love

After more than a two years of silence I present you two small tracks.

Both of them are quite melodic and saturated. The first one has a bit dirty and more distorted sound, all melodies mashed up in a dark and sad mixture.

The second one feels more classic, you might notice some influences on Christian Bloch, Pacou, maybe some other artists.. again, all the winter's most depressive emotions are collected here :]

I promise, I'll publish some more tracks soon.. sooner then two years from now :] Cheers!

all-in-one zip


  1. Patiik..... Taa tik tureet ;)

  2. laaabsss......

  3. Ietureets vecajaas labajaas tradiicijaas. Anything for love tads diezgan "saapiigs"... ne nu man patik
